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Monica's Books 20205

Self Development, Healing & Spiritual Awareness


The Sacred Body by Monica Canducci.

The Sacred Body is a call to understand the connections between women’s physiology, Nature’s elements and cycles, and the many challenges women face in our world and daily life.


Grounded in both science and the fascinating world of ancient knowledge, it gives you practical tools to support you in embracing a paradigm shift and fully expressing your feminine through your body, so you can thrive, shine, and live the life you want, no matter your age.


Through this book you will understand how to master Nature’s elements and cycles from within to overcome those limitations caused by hormonal and physiological elements or social conditionings, and discover precious secrets hidden within life’s transitions and stages, including perimenopause and menopause. 


The Healing Attitude by Monica Canducci

The healing attitude is something we can develop to support any healing process and turn any health challenge (or life challenge as well) into an opportunity to discover something new about ourselves and our relationship with the world surrounding us.


Whether you are suffering from symptoms due to illnesses, injuries, or diseases, or you are working to facilitate and support other people’s healing processes, this book can help you connect some dots and offers practical tools to empower your or your clients’ and patients’ healing process as well.


This book is about the attitude supporting healing and well-being, whichever path one wants to take: the healing attitude is, above all, about reconnecting to our inner resources and true self to find our “inner medicine” and source of wellbeing.


In the Master's Way

This book is a humble homage to the greatest spiritual Master I’ve met.

It is a recollection of memories tied to life-changing encounters with him, woven with reflections on spiritual paths, personal growth, and the pursuit of awareness.


It is a lighthearted account of how a determined little woman made her Master laugh and found creative ways to get… in his way.

It speaks of divine love, non-judgment, acceptance, open-heartedness, and blessings.
It is also a reflection on the traps laid by the ego, always at work to create chaos and disharmony, and offers insights on how to recognize and navigate its challenges.


To the Afterlife and Beyond.jpeg

If you are reading this, it’s likely that you’re open to taking an extraordinary journey. 

My journey begins in my early twenties, when, already aware of my mediumistic ability since my teens, I receive an unasked-for gift from beyond the earthly realm. 


This gift is the presence of renowned dancer, Vaslav Nijinsky, whose spirit I embody for several years, at first reluctantly, and then open-heartedly, as he guides me along a transformative path that changes my body and life forever. 


This book transports the readers through a mystical portal to a place of creativity, regeneration, healing, and integration, a journey that will take you beyond the definitions of life, death, space, time, gender, and more.

To The Afterlife and Beyond is the updated and expanded version of my book Turn to Heal. It includes the posthumous diary that Nijinsky wrote through me and the channeled novel, Dancing Beyond (soon to be made into a major motion picture), in which Nijinsky’s ghost is the protagonist.


Move In Mind book cover

The genesis of a powerful method for Intrinsic Sensory Integration able to maximize results in performance and rehabilitation. 


'To what extent can our mind, thoughts, mental images and language influence the matter of our body, through the fascinating connections existing in our nervous system?

To what extent is our nervous system plastic and able to rewire - and heal - itself?  How can we make possible the impossible?

Step by step, I will take you through the case of Claudio, a young man determined to improve his conditions 15 years after the accident that made him a quadriplegic, and you will become part of an amazing journey. This journey offers a way to learn the secrets of the sensory-motor imagery training that led Claudio to recover some of his lost functions. A training which is revealing its great potential day after day, both in movement re-education and in the performing arts - as well as the athletics field."



Tha Faerie Code book cover

What lies beyond this earthly world? Is there an invisible, ethereal realm inhabited by creatures that cannot be seen by our human eyes?

What if old fairy tales, myths, and lore contain the secret code needed to access our deepest, and long since dormant human resources?

And what if, by approaching the Faerie Dimension without prejudice or fear, we could find the secret key to reveal the treasures we are still unaware of, that would help us to remove any obstacle in our path, overcome any conflict, and fulfil every desire?

The Faerie Code  discloses information from a realm that is invisible to most humans, but sometimes makes itself known. Whether this dimension belongs to the inspiration coming from the realms of consciousness, or rather, to a subtle dimension where the faeries supposedly live, is of little importance… because on the Faerie Path, everything is possible.


The Arcana of theThreshold book cover

The Arcana of the Threshold are the representation of the 22 steps which characterize a Path leading to Integration and Realization. They capture the essence of the Major Arcana of the Tarot, the secret pages of the Book of Thoth


Portrayed by Monica Canducci, these Arcana belong to a dimension of Existence transcending space, time and any specific Tradition, and resonate with our Consciousness as messengers activating our own potential and hidden resources.


They are true gates to imagin-action, working through the universal language of numbers, symbols and archetypes to give you access to the secrets of the Tarot, enabling you to embody the meaning and functions of the 22 Major Arcana.

An incomparable tool to achieve practical Transformation and Self-Realization, this book is included in the Online Course "On the Path of the Arcana". 


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