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Equinox Meditation - March 2023

Writer's picture: Monica CanducciMonica Canducci

What I love most about the Equinoxes is that during these days, everywhere on Earth the day and night last exactly the same. This immediately reminds me of balance, inner balance, and mind-body balance. As usual, Nature teaches us and can help us understand how we operate.

This year I feel inspired to share this meditation. It's short and easy and can help you reconnect with your inner resources, especially those related to the Fire Element, in the Northern Hemisphere connected to the Spring. It's about nurturing our inner creative flame and creating the foundations for succeeding in the realization of our projects. Whether your projects are internal and involve your well-being and inner balance, or more practical and involve something you want to create in your life, this meditation might be helpful.

You need just a piece of paper and a pen or pencil, a candle (no matter the color and size), and something to light it. I suggest you watch the video right now, as soon as you find this blog post. Then you can do the meditation again on March 20th or 21st, or any time you feel the need to do it.

Enjoy the video here below, and then, if you want to go deeper and practice short effective meditations to increase mind-body balance and create regenerating emotions, you will find HERE a free video mini-course dedicated to THE ALCHEMY OF THE HEART.

In the meantime, enjoy the Equinox Meditation!

English version (Italian below/Italiano in fondo):

Italian version (versione in Italiano)


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